Tisane - Coffee Cherry Tea

Tisane - Coffee Cherry Tea
Coffee Cherry Tea Health Benefits
1. Low in caffeine
Coffee cherry tea contains 111,4 mg/l caffeine. It is quite low compared to brewed coffee which is 400-800 mg/l. The caffeine level is more comparable to black tea. But because of the caffeine content, it is still an energy drink that stimulate your body to feel less tired.
2. High Polyphenols
Coffee cherry tea is loaded with high polyphenols. Polyphenols is believed to rejuvenate your skin (anti-aging) due to it’s antioxidants which protects you from free radicals that can cause cancer and inflammatory. Also it helps you build your immune system. Compared to green tea, goji, or fruits like pomegranate, strawberries, blueberries, even vitamin C and E; cascara is higher in antioxidants .
3. Contains BDNF
According to extensive research for decades of FutureCeuticals, also contains BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor). BDNF is a protein essential that helps maintaining your healthy memory and cognitive function and also improve your mood and sleep.
4. Prevents Dementia, Alzheimer and Parkinson
Like regular coffee, consuming coffee cherry tea regularly is also beneficial to prevent Dementia, Alzheimer and Parkinson.
5. Protects against diabetes type 2
Because of the natural sugar content inside the no-sugar added coffee cherry tea, it is also helps to keep you away from type 2 diabetes. However, beware of those who already have diabetes, excessive intake of the tea may lower insulin sensitivity. That will significantly lower or increase your blood sugar level.
6. Maintaining liver
Moderate intake of coffee cherry tea also found to protect you from hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, and prevents liver cancer progression.
7. Good for weight-loss
Moreover, drinking coffee cherry tea will also helps with the weight-loss because it increase your metabolism that will burn calories and fat in your body. Well, maybe after a session of yoga, you can have a cup of hot brewed coffee cherry tea, then it will complement your workout session.
The list of coffee cherry tea benefits can go on and on. No kidding that coffee cherry tea can be categorized as a superfood drink.
How To Prepare Coffee Cherry Tea
- To make a refreshing ice tea (cold brew), get six tablespoons of cascara powder into 12 ounces of cold water and steeped it for 12 to 16 hours.
- Then for the hot brew, simply dilute three tablespoons of cascara into 10 ounces of hot water. And wait for four minutes before you take a sip.